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Youth Ministry

Our Youth Department focuses on discovering the giftedness of youth while helping them realize the will of God for their lives.


Intercessory Prayer

We persist in prayer for Pastors, Leaders, members of God's Kingdom and the world.





The purpose of M.I.M. (Men in Ministry) Team is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ so that they will develop a lifestyle that enhances discipleship. Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Accountability is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages. M.I.M aims to accomplish this goal through group meetings and one on one encouragement.



Missions & Outreach

The purpose of Missions & Outreach at Chayah is to train and equip ordinary people to go and do extraordinary things in the name of Jesus so that all might see, hear and experience God’s love in tangible ways.

Chayah strategically leads and partners with ministries that care for the most vulnerable in our community. Through equipping the saints, we are able to show the love and compassion of Jesus to a broken and hurting community. We believe that the key to transforming lives for Jesus is through the context of the relationships we build in our neighborhoods.




The Drama Ministry is for the Glory of God. This ministry attracts members that have the desires to understand the Word of God in a form other than written or verbal, This ministry links spiritual gifts, natural skills and creative abilities together, all for the Glory of God. Chayah has been blessed with members who are gifted in the area of playwriting and acting and for that we are grateful.



Music Ministry

The mission of the Chayah Church Music Ministry is to proclaim the word of God through “music”. The music ministry is not an object to be admired so much as an instrument to teach, comfort, inspire, persuade, convince and motivate.

Scripture: Ephesians 5:19-20

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”



Couple's Ministry

Our couples’ ministry is designed to strengthen marriages and teach principles from the word and offer role models of successful couples. Marriage is one of the most important institutions and it is the one which is under the most attack–internally and externally. The church gives married couples the opportunity to join other couples in marriage classes including relevant topics to strengthen and encourage couples. This church also gives couples an opportunity for fun and fellowship with quarterly outings and game and fellowship nights.



New Converts/New Member

Our New Member/New Converts classes are designed to disciple new converts and orientate new members to the fellowship and worship practices of Chayah Church of Worship.




Biblical Leaders in Training. B-L.I.T. is our ministry training group. The Bible states to let our light shine so that men may see it and glorify our Heavenly Father. In other words, we are to B LIT. Ministers who have a call to the ministry will utilize this training to be prepared and equipped for ministry.

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